How we compare

How we compare

See how LeShuttle stacks up against other travel options and find out why it's the best choice for your next trip across the Channel.

The fast way to drive to France

LeShuttle, formerly known as Eurotunnel Le Shuttle, has been carrying drivers and their passengers through the Channel Tunnel every day for the last 30 years. With up to 4 departures an hour, a travelling time of just 35 minutes and a range of ticket options, it's one of the fastest and most environmentally friendly ways to take your car between the UK and France. 

But there are several other travel options to choose from. It's important to consider your needs and preferences when making your choice.


We might be a little biased, but we think LeShuttle is one of the best ways to take your car across the Channel.

It's reliable and efficient, with frequent departures day and night, and a speedy journey time of just 35 minutes. You won't have to worry about seasickness, or the weather, and you'll have your own vehicle with you at all times, so you'll be free to explore Europe or the UK on your terms.

LeShuttle ticket prices are per vehicle, so you can bring along up to 9 passengers in one vehicle for the same price. With no limitations on luggage, LeShuttle is a clear win for those who don’t travel light. Pack everything you need into your car and head to Folkestone or Calais!

LeShuttle is also one of the most environmentally friendly options available, as it generates fewer carbon emissions than air travel or ferries. LeShuttle is faster than a ferry and greener than a plane. 

By plane

Direct flights are available to a wide range of destinations in Europe and the UK, but they can be expensive and inflexible. 

If you're travelling with a lot of baggage, you may have to pay extra fees, and there's always the risk of flight delays or cancellations. Picking up a hire car at the airport for your onward journey. The cost of hire cars have also risen significantly in recent years.  

Plus, the environmental impact of air travel is significant, as it generates a lot of carbon emissions. Find out more on whether to fly or use LeShuttle to get to Europe. 

By ferry

Ferries are another option for those travelling with across the Channel in a car. 

LeShuttle have up to 4 departures per hour, so there are many more opportunities to travel with us. There's also no need to worry about the weather, because you can't get seasick on LeShuttle! 

By Eurostar

Eurostar offers a passenger train service between London and destinations in Europe through the same tunnel, the Channel Tunnel, as LeShuttle. 

You wont need a ticket for each passenger with LeShuttle, and  there is no limits on how much luggage you can bring with you. 

If you want the freedom of driving your own car to France, taking as much baggage as you can fit in your vehicle, and travelling with your pets, LeShuttle is the better option. 

Choose LeShuttle

Your destination, who is travelling, price and time will all factor into your decision about how to cross the Channel. LeShuttle offers great value for those who want flexibility and freedom to explore on their terms.

Remember, LeShuttle (formerly known as Eurotunnel Le Shuttle) takes only 35 minutes to travel through the Channel Tunnel. There is up to 4 departures an hour, 365 days of the year.  

Your pets can travel with you in your vehicle, and stay with you at all times during the journey. Plus with no baggage restrictions, you can pack as much as you like. LeShuttle really is the ideal way to cross the Channel.  

If you are heading to Europe and looking for the best alternative to a ferry to France, choose LeShuttle. 

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